Category: Getting Started

Configuring Alexa Account Info (eRVin v0.6x and up)

This post will describe how to configure Alexa capability in eRVinOS v0.6x and newer using Virtual Smart Home an Alexa skill that interfaces with eRVin. The configuration involves installing the skill in the Alexa app, then linking the skill by entering your Amazon account info into the appropriate Alexa “nodes” in eRVin via node-red. This is a one time task, that when complete, will provide reliable integration between Alexa and your RV lights (and downLearn More

eRVinOS Image v0.5x vs. v0.6x

Summary: At this time there are two primary image versions, v0.5x and 0.6x. Bottom line, v0.6x and above has a new and superior Alexa integration, but requires some end user configuration, whereas v0.5x does not require end user configuration, but in all probability the Alexa integration will not work due to ongoing changes in the Amazon infrastructure. Technical Details: Both versions are based on the original CoachProxy, but in both versions the eRVinOS has beenLearn More

Using Harmony Hub to connect to Alexa or Google Assistant

Background Alexa requires an Amazon Echo device to control the lights and other devices that are available on eRVin. Google Assistant cannot control eRVin directly.  If you don’t have an Echo (or even if you do) a Harmony Hub can be used to control eRVin with Alexa and Google Assistant. Harmony Hub recognizes eRVin as a Phillips Hue Bridge with each light as a device.  Alexa and Google Assistant (A/GA) connect to Harmony Hub and controlLearn More

How to Build the eRVin Hardware

As described on the home page of this site, eRVin is a micro-controller that interfaces to an RV-C based Firefly RV control system that is present on many late model RV’s. eRVin provides the ability to remotely (from anywhere there is internet) control the RV systems via an “app” or web page, and also adds additional support for devices like the Amazon Echo (Alexa) to enable voice control of lights and other subsystems. This postLearn More

How to Connect Devices to the RV-C Network

The diagram below outlines the basic RV-C network layout. The Firefly Gx panel has a 12 volt power supply feed and this is where the switching and dimming takes place for the lights (or other devices) as shown to the left of the diagram. The right of the diagram shows the RV-C network. The blue line is the main Trunk, note the ‘T’ at each end of the trunk indicating a 120 ohm termination resistor.Learn More

Installing an eRVin Software Image

What’s an Image? An eRVin image is a data file that contains all the necessary software for your eRVin hardware allowing it to control your RV, this includes the operating system (OS) as well as all the application and configuration files. The uncompressed size of the image is about 3.5GB, the zipped download is about 1.1GB. This post describes how to download an image and flash it to a micro SD card. The download mightLearn More

Connecting eRVin to your RV

At this point you should have assembled the eRVin hardware then downloaded and flashed the eRVin OS image. This tutorial assumes you have an existing wifi network aboard your RV, preferably with full time internet access. Connecting eRVin to your RV-C Network Step 1 – connect your eRVin system to the RV-C network on your RV. The easiest and most accessible place to do this is on the front of a Firefly panel. You may haveLearn More

Downloading and Installing eRVin Configuration Files

Now that you have the eRVin hardware built, the image installed and have it connected to your RV, the first thing you will want to do is download and install the proper configuration for your RV. eRVin OS v0.5 or later adds the ability for you to easily download and install new or updated configuration files via a simple tap or click operation from the eRVin “app” (aka “dashboard”). No complicated computer knowledge needed! A fewLearn More

All About Scenes

What’s a Scene? Scenes are groups of actions that can be triggered with a single button press or voice command. Also known as “Routines” (Alexa) or “Macros” and perhaps by other names. This post describes the Scene making tools available in eRVin and the basics of how to use them. Note: This site is a work in progress, links highlighted like this are place markers for posts that have not been written yet. Please checkLearn More

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