Month: July 2020
How to Connect Devices to the RV-C Network
The diagram below outlines the basic RV-C network layout. The Firefly Gx panel has a 12 volt power supply feed and this is where the switching and dimming takes place for the lights (or other devices) as shown to the left of the diagram. The right of the diagram shows the RV-C network. The blue line is the main Trunk, note the ‘T’ at each end of the trunk indicating a 120 ohm termination resistor.Learn More
Working with 3M Mini-Clamp Connectors
This post describes how to prepare wire and crimp the 3M Mini-Clamp connectors to it. Tools needed are a pair of slip joint or channel lock style pliers, wire cutters (or sharp scissors) and a wire stripper or utility knife. Mini-Clamp II Series 371 Plugs part # 3M 37104-A165-00E. These are the connectors Spyder/Firefly uses for their drop cable connections. Other OEM suppliers are using them as well, such as Garnet. I really like these connectors,Learn More